Diploma – STIT Almarhalah Al Ulya

Tag: Diploma

Hundreds of International Scholars Gather in Semarang, Redefining the Role of Religion in Addressing the Global Crisis

Hundreds of scholars from both Indonesia and foreign countries are to meet in Semarang for the 23rd Annual International Conference on Islamic Studies (AICIS). This annual event is organized by the Directorate General of Islamic Education Ministry of Religious Affairs and will take place at the State Islamic University (UIN) Walisongo, on February 1–4, 2024. […]

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Press Release Ministry of Religious Affairs Indonesia

Press Release Ministry of Religious Affairs Indonesia Hundreds of International Academicians Gather in Semarang, Redefine the Role of Religion in Facing the Global Crisis. Indonesian academicians and a number of countries will meet in Semarang at the 23rd Annual International Conference on Islamic Studies (AICIS). This annual event is being held by the Ministry’s Directorate General […]

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Kemenag Gelar Call for Papers AICIS 2024, Bahas Peran Agama dalam Krisis Kemanusiaan Global

Jakarta (Diktis) – Direktorat Pendidikan Islam Kementerian Agama mengundang para akademisi dan peneliti untuk ikut dalam Call for Paper pada The 23rd Annual International Conference on Islamic Studies (AICIS). Kesempatan mengikuti program ini dibuka mulai 11 Desember 2023 sampai 14 Januari 2024. “Mulai hari ini, kami undang para peneliti dan akademisi untuk ikut berpartisipasi dalam […]

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